GÓP-fréttir *
Forsíða * Uppfært 16.1.2000 * Lagað 7.10.2002 *
Frá Hafþóri Guðjónssyni:
Bækur, greinar, tímarit, þróunarverkefni og vísanir um
athafnatengdar rannsóknir
/ kennararannsóknir
ISBN 0 9586971 0 8 >> Stories of reflective teaching.
ISBN 0 909931 27 5 >> Learning from the PEEL experience. |
- Andersson, G.L., Herr, K. & Nihlen, A.S. (1994).
Studying Your Own School. An Educators's Guide to Qualitative Practitioner Research. Corwin Press, Inc. A Sage Publications
Company. Thousand Oaks, California.
- Altrichter, H. (1993).
The concept of quality in action research: Giving practitioners a voice in educational research. In M. Scartz (Ed.), Qualitative voices
in educational research (pp. 40 - 55). Washington, DC: The Falmer Press.
- Altrichter, H., Posch, P. & Somekh, B. (1993).
Teachers investigate their work. An introduction to the methods of action research. London and New York: Routledge.*
- Burnaford, G., Fischer, J. & Hobson (Eds.) (1996).
Teachers Doing Research: Practical Possibilities. Mahawah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Cochran-Smith, M. & Lytle, S.L. (1993).
Inside/Outside. Teacher Research and Knowledge. New York: Teachers College Press.
- Cox, A.M. & Graig, D.W. (1997).
Action research. Teachers studying teaching and learning in their own classrooms. The Science Teacher, September 1997.
- Hollingsworth, S. (1992).
Learning to teach literacy through collaborative conversation: A feminist approach. Am. Educ. Res. J. 29(2), 373-404.
- Reason, P. (1994).
Three approaches to participatory inquiry. In N.K. Denzin & Y.S. Lincoln (Eds.), Handbooks of Qualitative Research (pp. 324-339). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- McCutcheon, G. & Jung, B. (1990).
Alternative perspectives on action research. Theory Into Practice, 29(3), pp. 144 - 151.
- McKernan, J. (1991). Curriculum Action Research: A Handbook of Methods and Resources for the Reflective Practioner. St.
Marin's Press, New York.
- McNiff, J., Lomax, P., & Whitehead, J. (1996).
You and Your Action Research Project. London: Routledge.
- McTaggart, R. (Ed.) (1997).
Participatory Action Research. International Contexts and Consequences. State University of New York Press.
- Winter, R. (1987).
Action Research and the Nature of Social Inquiry: Professional Innovation and Education Work. Avebury, Gower, Aldershot.
- Winter, R. (1987).
Learning from Experience. New York: The Falmer Press.
Athafnatengdar rannsóknir hafa verið til sérstakrar umfjöllunar í eftirfarandi ritum: |
- Educational Leadership, 48(6), Mars, 1991
- Language Arts, 65(8), December, 1988
- Peabody Journal of Eduaction, 1987, 64(2) and 64(3)
- Theory Into Practice, 1990, 29(3).
Nýtt tímarit um athafnatengdar rannsóknir: |
- Eduactional Action Research, An International Journal. (Order: Triangle Journals Ltd, P.O. Box 65, Wallingford, Oxfordshire
OX10 OYG, United Kingdom)
Áhugavert prógram: |
- The SCOPE Program (Self-directed, Collegial, On-going, Personal-professional, Effectiveness)
© Commonwealth of Australia 1966
The Centre for Curriculum and Professional Development
Murdoch University, Western Australia 6150
WEB: www.murdoch.edu.au/schools/edu/ccpd.html
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